covid-19 testing in india

COVID-19, Testing In India

Testing done per day in India and The number of tests done to find 1 COVID-19 positive case. Note – Daily tests data for certain days is missing, and hence the drop in the orange and blue line. Consider these as gaps in daily data and hence outliers.

Without a doubt, the number of tests done in India in March was just not enough. However, the data clearly shows the number of tests increased in April. In the beginning of May the number of daily tests done is a little less than 90,000 tests per day. The goal of the Indian government is to do at least 100,000 tests daily.

While the number of tests done on a daily basis has steadily increased throughout April, the number of tests done to identify one COVID-19 positive cases has not been very consistent. In the chart above, ignoring the outliers in the Orange line, you will notice the line has too many peaks and valleys. This usually indicates a not so focused approach, more like a hit or miss practice. In a COVID-19 situation, this could also indicate to the type of spread of the COVID-19 virus in the country.

What maybe concerning to some of us is the number of tests done to identify one positive COVID-19 cases has started to reduce sharply in the month of May. This may also indicate a more focused approach towards testing.

Testing done per day in USA and The number of tests done to find 1 COVID-19 positive case.

How Does COVID-19 Testing In India Compare to USA?

USA, who has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, did about 2 times the number of tests than India throughout April. In May, that number was nearly 3 times more. However, the number of tests done to identify one positive COVID-19 case was and is currently half of that in India. Ignoring the number of cases in USA as compared to India, this metrics could indicate that the spread of the COVID-19 virus in USA is a lot more severe than in India.

This could also mean that there is a large number of undetected cases in India, but we have to also take into account that the number of tests done to identify one positive case in India is nearly double of that in USA. So while we might have many undetected positive cases in India, it might not be as bad as we might think at first when comparing the number of tests being done in USA vs India.

Note – you can download my analysis file by clicking on “add to cart”. It is free but you will be required to register with the blog.

Citation –

Analysis – Done by Anant Agnihotri, published on ‘’

Raw data – Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Joe Hasell (2020) – “Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)”. Published online at Retrieved from: ‘’ [Online Resource]

-Anant Agnihotri

9 thoughts on “COVID-19, Testing In India

  1. Ritu

    Does answer a few questions that have come to my mind too and there is no analysis of this context. Good view point anant!

  2. Manju

    India was very vigilant at international entries in the country, checking temperature etc. There have been some smart moves there.
    It is also possible the difference between countries is due to varied methodologies of collating data.
    My question is how do you keep people in lower social economic group socially apart? When they have common ablution blocks? When families share one room?
    No lockdown could change the reality of dense population. Or is it this very attribute that strengthen the immune system.

    1. Anant Agnihotri Post author

      Great point! Densely populated areas are the problem here. This also could partially explain the ever rising number of cases despite the lock down.

  3. Sangram dhote

    Analysis is good Anant and provides a feeling that India’s approach of dealing with Covid cases and testing appear to be better than others.

  4. Parul Thakur

    Just yesterday, we were talking about this. Population comes to play here. Also the resources. I read about the rapid testing kit today that should be good to use from next week. Maybe then is when we pick up.

    1. Anant Agnihotri Post author

      The rapid testing kit is exciting news! I am going to refresh my data base every week. If that is working well and I see a spike in the number of testing, then I will certainly write another article about it in 1-2 weeks time. 🙂

  5. Pingback: COVID-19, Case Fatality Rate in India - My Mixed Thoughts

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