The Bottle Idea!

Take a bottle of soda and shake it up. What happens? Pressure in the bottle increases and pushes against every corner of the vessel to release the excess energy created. Now, should you try to open the cap and let the pressure out or should you just let the bottle be and allow time for the pressure inside the bottle to settle? Which one is the better option? Hmmm…
If you open the cap before the pressure settles, not only does the pressure release but it also takes the liquid out of the bottle; what a waste. However, if you let the pressure settle and then open up the bottle, you save on that liquid! So is the best option to just let the bottle be and allow time for the pressure to settle?
Relationships undergoing a tough time are the same as this pressurized bottle. The liquid is the goodness of the relationship and the pressure is the stress in a relationship due to factors external to the relationship: someone shaking the bottle? When in distress, the natural instinct we all have is to find an escape goat and, run! But is that the best option? Or is the best option to just allow time and let the stress and emotions settle and then open the cap for some discussions.
– Anant Agnihotri